Bang. Bang. Bang. WOW.
This blew me away.
For more info look here and here.
If you only look at one thing on the web this week go here.
If you are a blogger please spread the word on this amazing work.
Paul Close, duckrabbit salutes you!
Author — duckrabbit
duckrabbit is a production company formed by radio producer/journalist Benjamin Chesterton and photographer David White.
We specialize in digital storytelling.
Discussion (8 Comments)
Awesome! The photos are wonderful and I loved the story about why he took the trip.
wow what a great idea! the pics are fantastic and I really like the effect of the white background “highlighting” the people.
Wow is right. Just looked at the whole series. Stunning. Beautiful. A very moving. (The occasional captions add considerable weight.)
Close clearly sees the people he met and photographed as individuals, in all their complexity. He doesn’t force them into any preconceived notion of what or who they ought to be.
And his concept is so simple. The subject stands, in context, in front of a white backdrop. That is, the individual stands out from, yet also stands within, her or his community. Effing brilliant.
yep. a great, and wonderfully original project.
love the fact it shows people’s similarities, not differences
Agreed, when I first saw the project I nearly fell off the chair. It really is such a simple idea but one that was done in such a way it leaves the viewer with the ‘wow’ factor.
No ego, no fancy flash, no fancy setups just a white background and the subject.
and no HDR!
Simple. Personal. Impactful (not sure that is a word, but hey!). Visually isolating individuals from their environment with the white back-sheet emphasizes their individuality, with their wishes/dreams only adding to a brief glimpse into their lives. Great stuff.
It certainly proves that with a little ingenuity, one can in fact, take interesting, original pictures in Africa that don’t have wild animals, child soldiers, or dying refugees…